UK – Scotland – A SCOTS Primark shopper was shocked after she found “bondage gear” in a store.

The customer was walking through the store when she stumbled upon a leather fashion harness next to some belts.
Stunned by her discovery, she posted a picture of the find on Twitter – leaving followers in stitches.
Taking to Twitter she said: “Jeez oh – nipped into Primark and wasn’t really expecting to find bondage gear among the jammies, Christmas jumpers and fluffy socks.”
Social media users on the app found her post hilarious.
But they were quick to point out her mistake – nothing it was just a fashion harness.
One user wrote: “It’s hardly bondage gear.”
And another explained to the Twitter user what the accessory actually was.
They replied: “Don’t see any bondage gear just belts and fashion harnesses.”
The bizarre Primark find comes on the same day a sassy teenager pencilled a VERY DEMANDING letter to Santa.
To ensure she got exactly what she wanted – she employed a rather strange and bizarre tactic.