WARNING, DISTRESSING CONTENT: EXCLUSIVE: Tired of being attacked by evangelists on social media, Dominatrix Kaz B spoke out after receiving some vile messages seen by this publication

Source: Dailystar.co.uk.

UK – A British dominatrix simply trying to keep afloat during the cost of living crisis is being harassed by religious zealots.

See more and larger photo’s on: Dailystar.co.uk.

Kaz B, who has been in the BDSM world since 2017, has been sent a splurge of rancid hate on social media.

Some anonymous trolls have threatened to rape her while preaching evangelists say she will burn in the eternal “lake of fire”.

She has been targeted in this way for years – but recently she took to Instagram to unleash her frustration.

Writing to her followers, she said: “Unless you are going to pay my bills please do not send me unsolicited messages about ‘Sin.’

“Most of us are more worried about the cost of living crisis than your judgey DM’s.

“Why not seek out some murderers and hardened criminals that harm others and have a chat with them, rather than seeking out women that show a bit of cleavage or a whip on Instagram. I’m sure it would be a more valuable use of your time.

“PS: Jesus probably thinks you’re a hypocrite and that you should stop scrolling Insta.”

Afterwards, Daily Star reached out to Kaz, 43, who expanded further about some of the vitriol.

She said: “I think I have just got to the point where you get a bit desensitised to it to be honest. In the beginning sometimes it could be a bit scary.

“Especially when some of these people have made comments like ‘I will find your house and rape you’ and all this kind of stuff’.

“I used to be a lot shyer as well but if someone is abusive now I will just block them straight away or I will give my own back if I think it is worth my time which generally it isn’t.

“So yeah you do get a bit desensitised to it and you just think what an idiot.

“But it varies from ‘please child I want to save you, Jesus is waiting for you’ and other times downright abusive.

“I think the worst ones are the ones that treat you as if you are not a real person because you are in some kind of industry that they don’t agree with. They call you a w***e and a prostitute and say what you are doing is sinful and you will burn forever.”

She believes some of those who pester her online experience feelings of shame and oppression for looking at her titillating pictures online.

Kaz said this inspires them to want to try and force her to repent for making them feel this way.

But she said she just wants to be left alone and to be able to make a living without being bombarded with extreme messages.

Speaking about how women like her just want to get by like anyone else, she said: “Peoples gas bills have gone up, electric bills, and people are spending less on luxuries and our services are luxury services so people are not making as much money as they were say four years ago.

“If you are shrewd and savvy you might not be making buckets but you are making enough to get by and you think better times are coming.

“But there are some people who are very very worried and are living day to day and thinking how can I get through the week.

“People are not realising that when times are good they are good but it is a survival trade at the end of the day.

“They are not seeing that people are trying to survive the cost of living climate and they are judging them and thinking they must be earning shedloads and that it is sinful and they should turn away from sin and go to Jesus.