At least 10 individuals kept him in place until police arrived


USA – NEW YORK – Illegal Ecuadorian migrant Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi allegedly confessed to cops that he recorded his twisted sex attack on a bound and gagged New York teen girl.

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Cops say the 25-year-old accused rapist broke his silence in a court hearing.

He has now been arraigned on charges of rape, predatory sexual assault, kidnapping and a slew of other felonies from the horrific June 13 attack in a Queens park.

“I was nervous at first, then got comfortable and recorded it,” Inga-Landi confessed in his videotaped statement to detectives.

Inga-Landi crossed the border from Mexico in 2021 and was ordered out in 2022.

“The brazen and brutal nature of this defendant’s actions are indicative of someone who does not follow the law, and who has no regard for anybody else, but himself, and he will not return to court,” Queens ADA Kasey Esposito said.

At the time of the alleged rape, a boy, 13, was also attacked and he and the girl were held at knifepoint.

The terrified teens were tied together and a bandana was stuffed in the girl’s mouth. Inga-Landi allegedly then cut off her shorts and underwear and raped her.

His DNA was on a water bottle that matched a sample he gave immigration officials in 2021. Good Samaritans who recognized him from a wanted poster took him down and held him for cops.

According to the New York Post, Inga-Landi still had scratches on his face in court and scowled as he was ordered held without bail. He also faces an immigration arrest from Texas for being an inadmissible alien.

Inga-Landi is charged with predatory sexual assault, first-degree rape, two counts of second-degree kidnapping, two counts of first-degree robbery, second-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, obstructing governmental administration and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child.

Meanwhile, the mother of a Maryland woman allegedly murdered by an illegal migrant hammered the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ for calling her daughter Rachel Morin an “individual” instead of naming her.

“It’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother, a daughter,” Patty Morin told Fox News. “It totally depersonalizes her and makes her an object.”

Suspected Salvadoran gang member Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, 23, was nabbed Friday in Tulsa, Okla. for allegedly murdering the 37-year-old mom of five on a Maryland hiking trail last August.

Mayorkas was on the hotseat on CNN Tuesday and was queried about Morin’s murder and the flood of violent illegals rolling into the U.S.

He called Rachel Morin “the individual.”

“First and foremost of course our hearts break for the children, the loved ones and the friends of the individual who was murdered — the woman, the mother,” Mayorkas said.

“A criminal is responsible for the criminal act. The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and forcefully so.”

Patty Morin replied:  “It’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother, a daughter.”

Family lawyer Randolph Rice added: “They just seem to be disconnected completely from what is happening at the southern border and how it is affecting Americans.

“They are hemorrhaging at the southern border and they’re arguing about what kind of Band-Aid to put on it when instead they should be putting a tourniquet on it and stopping this flow so that we don’t have another Rachel Morin.”

Martinez-Hernandez had already been wanted in a previous murder of a woman in El Salvador and for the assault of a mom and young girl in a Los Angeles home invasion.

He had been living illegally in the U.S. since slipping over the Mexican border in 2023.

Martinez-Hernandez has been charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape in the Morin investigation.