Netherlands – Tonight was an emergency live broadcast by Tom Verhoeven because Nathalie had to go to the hospital urgently. Get well wishes are welcome! The first 1st hour live music and the second hour a repeat of the BDSM Record Story from 2015 with the story of Danique Domina.
HEEMSKERK – I (tom Verhoeven) have a live test audio/video on this moment. When my ugly face is in the picture, You can chat also. As soon as I notice your message, I'll give a yell on the radio.
You have to login with FB profile and I can't delete messages. So a gap in the software. You can always respond via FB and Fetlife. Search for: BDSMradioEU
Have kinky fun!!!
tom verhoeven
Listen and see:
HEEMSKERK - The end of the 24/7 radiostream is coming fast. Currently only the emergency stream is running before the candle really goes out.
A bag full of reasons that I have to put an end to the 24/7 stream.
In particular, the costs.. Only the authorrights costs 84 euros per month and then the costs for websites, stream and equipment. That while my income collapsed with more than 700 euros a month due to my illnesses. Plus that additional income is rather difficult at the social unsurance company and even donations that do not get me out of the costs.
Come to health! My energy bucket is empty much faster than in the time that I worked. Even now that I have been rejected I have relatively less time for the radio hobby than in my working life unfortunately!
Updating tracks for the 24/7 music stream also took quite a lot of time, so the other radio tasks were left behind.
Now that more time and money is released, BDSM Radio is going back to the early days. So that i presented programs and info!
Once the equipment has been repaired, it can take place again. As soon as the time comes? I scream it from the rooftops !!
For music lovers, I will continue to add music via Spotify and YouTube so that you can still listen to nonstop music for many days!
Reactions and tips are always welcome!
Greetings and a lot of BDSM fun!
Tom Verhoeven
Owner and one host from BDSMradio.EU music and BDSM news for any taste. Reactions and donations for BDSMradio.EU are very welcome. Every cent is more than welcome. Thank you!! Reactions for BDSM Media news also welcome. Mail