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Jess dresses up as an adult baby – because she wants to put her troubled childhood behind her

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Sat, July 30, 2016 04:50:21

Jess dresses up as an adult baby – because she wants to put her troubled childhood behind her

She wears nappies, drinks from a bottle and sleeps in a giant cot – but 21-year-old says there’s nothing sexual in it and she’s not doing anything wrong


USA – LAKELAND – FLORIDA – This 21-year-old wears nappies, drinks from a bottle and regresses back to infancy in a bid to make peace with her troubled childhood.

Jess, who was sexually abused aged just two, suffered depression and anxiety as she battled the trauma.

But now, with the help of her 24-year-old boyfriend David, she dresses in babygros and has a Youtube following of thousands.

David, who calls himself Jess’ Daddy said: “Some people have called me a paedophile and have made fun of Jess. But really, I just try to ignore it.

“We know we’re okay and aren’t doing anything wrong.”

Jess, from Lakeland, Florida, said she is now more confident and happy.

She said: “Age play is really my best escape and it allows me to reclaim the innocence of my childhood and have it play out the way I always wanted.

“Aside from that though, regressing and being a ‘little’ just fits with my personality.

“It allows me to be playful and cute, which is what I’m like naturally anyway and so I think that I would definitely still be living this lifestyle if I’d had a more ‘normal’ childhood.”

The couple, who have been together for four years, say for them age play is not sexual and is more of a lifestyle choice.

“We never have sex while I’m age playing but for a lot of people it is a sexual kink,” she added.

“For us, it is more about enjoying the dominant/submissive dynamic in our everyday lives.

“I was always very childlike in my mannerisms anyway so this has been a sort of natural progression for us both.

“I enjoy the feeling of David being a protector and a person that I can depend on to look after me and he likes feeling needed.

“It has definitely brought us closer as a couple.”

David added: “My favourite thing about being Jess’s Daddy is caring for her. Age play is not sexually stimulating for me in any way shape or form.

“I know it is for a lot of people but it just isn’t for me.

“But it makes me happy to keep her happy and it brings us closer in our relationship.”

Jess says that wearing a diaper feels like an ‘instant comfort’ but admits only to urinating in them, saying anything more would be ‘too far’ for her.

Jess uploads videos in which she talks openly about her age play lifestyle and her relationship with David to her 25,000 subscribers on YouTube.

“I aim to reach any audience that will receive me. Both vanillas and kinksters alike,” Jess said.

“I’m always happy to educate those who don’t understand and give a voice to those who are afraid to come out.

“My main goal with everything online is to be myself and show others they can too – whatever they’re into.

“I don’t do anything with the intention of sexually arousing anyone, all my social media is safe for work, but I can’t control what they do from behind a screen and I don’t really mind it much.”

Jess receives lots of positive comments from other adult babies and one of her followers even built a five-foot tall crib for her to play and sleep in.

Jess is now looking for a real life babysitter who will carry out a bedtime routine for her and look after her while David is away at work.

“For me it’s something innocent and pure.

“It’s helped me find myself and find my inner self confidence and I’ve never been happier,” she said.

Gabrielle Shaw, chief executive from UK charity National Association for People Abused in Childhood said: “Although unusual in the general scheme of things, this is not something we’re unfamiliar with.

“We hear from adult survivors of childhood abuse every day on the NAPAC telephone helpline how they have been affected by what happened to them.

“All survivors are different and cope in different ways.

“This method of coping, by acting as an adult baby, seems to be working for this particular survivor who says she has never been happier”.

NAPAC runs a free phone line to support those abused in childhood: 0808 801 0331

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UK Government concerned too many people could be trying anal sex

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Sat, July 30, 2016 04:47:08

UK Government concerned too many people could be trying anal sex

A consultation document suggests people trying the act may not really want to do it


UK – The Government is concerned that increasing numbers of young people are trying anal sex, according to an official consultation.

Officials at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport are baffled at the increased popularity of the act despite apparent “research” suggesting it is not pleasurable for women.

The warning is included in a consultation document issued by the Department about plans to further restrict access to online pornography. It argues that young people are trying anal sex as a result of having viewed pornography, and that this is an unwelcome development.

“Many people worry that young people will come to expect their real life sexual experiences to mirror what they or their peers see in pornography, which often features ambiguous depictions of consent, submissive female stereotypes and unrealistic scenarios,” the consultation reads.

“There is also a question about the effect of pornography on ‘unwanted sex’ – for instance more young people are engaging in anal intercourse than ever before despite research which suggests that it is often not seen as a pleasurable activity for young women.

“While the increase in anal sex cannot be attributed directly to pornography consumption, it does feature in a large percentage of mainstream pornography (for example, one content analysis found it featured in 56% of sex scenes).”

The consultation suggests that restricting access to pornography might reduce the numbers of people trying anal sex.

Officials supported their view by citing a 2014 British Medical Journal paper from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine which collated interviews about the practice with 130 16-18 year olds.

That study actually however concluded that “accounts revealed a complex context [of people trying anal sex] with availability of pornography being only one element”.

The Government’s negative view of anal sex recalls opposition to the practice by Margaret Thatcher, who in 1986 watered down an anti-AIDS campaign so as not to acknowledge the act’s existence.

According to Cabinet minutes released at the New Year Mrs Thatcher sent a memo asking for a section on “risky sex” to be scrubbed from the campaign because “it could do immense harm if young teenagers were to read it”.

When the newspaper advert warning of the dangers of AIDS went ahead, she said: “I remain against certain parts of this advertisement. Adverts where every young person will read and learn of practices they never knew about will do harm.”

Homosexual anal sex was criminalised under law as “buggery” in England and Wales until 1967.

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Making men’s fantasies a reality: The life of a professional dominatrix in Dublin

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Sat, July 30, 2016 04:43:27

Making men’s fantasies a reality: The life of a professional dominatrix in Dublin
For the first time in her 10-year career as a professional dominatrix, Dublin’s Mistress Lara has decided to tell her story


IRELAND – DUBLIN – LARA ARRIVES INTO work at 7am most mornings, she puts the kettle on for a cup of tea, sits down and starts going through her emails.

But unlike the somewhat mundane messages most people open up in the morning, Lara’s inbox is teeming with written accounts of man’s deepest fantasies. She is Ireland’s top professional dominatrix and she has, for the first time in her 10-year career, decided to tell her story.

“It was kind of an experiment, I was into it for about five years before and got to know a few pro-dommes in London and I thought it sounded like fun. So, I thought I’ll give it a try. Ten years later, here we are,” she told as she sat in her Dublin premises.

A dominatrix, or mistress, is a woman who plays a dominant role in bondage, dominance, submission and sadomasochism (BDSM) activities.

At her Dublin property, Mistress Lara has four unique rooms for clients to enjoy these activities. The first is a typical dungeon with every type of whipping, spanking and flogging device a person could think of.

Here, the mistress will bend her client over her spanking bench and punish him, she will tie him up in ropes and suspend him from the ceiling or maybe lock him in a cage – but not before he’s licked her boots clean.

Just down the hall is the schoolroom, where Teacher will check her pupil’s spelling and harshly reprimand him for chatting during lessons.

It is set up like an old fashioned classroom with a blackboard at the front and a copy of the proclamation on the wall. Around the room you’ll find canes, wooden paddles, a hockey stick – and a copy of Soundings, of course.

Clients can dress up like schoolgirls, with a selection of uniforms for them to choose from.

Many of Mistress Lara’s clients enjoy cross dressing and her third room is a boudoir with wardrobes full of women’s clothes, shoes and lingerie for men to dress up in. She also has a selection of wigs and will do their makeup if they want to go all out.

Her favourite room, though, is the medical room. It is cold and clinical and just a little unsettling. In this room, Lara will bind her client in a straightjacket, lay him down on the bed and experiment on him.

She might start with a urethral sound, which is essentially a long probe she inserts into the urethra, or perhaps hook him up to the milking machine (we will leave that one to the reader’s imagination).

For those who enjoy BDSM, is can be as psychological as it is physical and that is why Lara put so much effort into these play rooms.

Many simply enjoy the pain of being spanked, whipped, pinched and probed, but for others it is all about handing over control to another person, or in some cases being humiliated by a person who is above them in status.

‘I did that to him’

Though she has come up against criticism from people in Ireland’s fetish community who claim she is only in this for the money – she charges €250 for two hours of her time – Lara says she gets real enjoyment and fulfillment out of her job.

“I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. It’s like when you talk to someone who’s on the receiving end, the submissive or the masochist, and they can’t explain why they get such a buzz out of it. I can’t explain either.

I suppose, in a strange way, at the end of the session when someone says to you: ‘That was really great’, you get a buzz out of that. You think: ‘I did that to him’.

To look at and to speak to, Lara is one of the last people you would suspect is secretly tying men up and tearing into them with a bullwhip five days a week. A petite brunette, she comes across as chatty, funny and kind and this soft side of her is something she thinks appeals to her clients.

“People would expect the bossy bitch, but I find more often than not, you get further with a smile than you will with a cross face.”

She will often sit down with a client at the end of a session and chat with them over a cup of tea.

That is not to say she can not turn on the “bossy bitch” if that is the client’s preference, however. Lara takes a lot of pride in her work, she relishes a chance to be creative and gets a kick out of the fantasy emails or scripts clients send her before sessions.

“I once had a guy who I think I kind of took by surprise a little bit. Part of the game was that he wanted to be corrected or given out to for using bad language. Now there were other things that in my head I thought this might be okay with because of that. One of the other things was that he wanted to have his head shoved in the toilet – I know, cliché, but it’s kind of like ‘you’re disgusting, look at the mess you’ve made’. So I thought if that’s okay, this might be okay.

He was on his knees and I was giving out to him saying: ‘I’m really annoyed at you for using such bad language and I’m not having it, this is not going to be allowed continue, is that understood?’ And then I produced a bowl with a bar of soap and hot water in it and a toothbrush.

And I proceeded to wash his tongue with the soap, I was washing his mouth out for using bad language. At the time, he was gagging, he was really going red in the face and I thought ‘oh shit, maybe I’ve gone a bit too far with this one’.

“It literally only happened 20 seconds, but afterwards he said to me: ‘That was absolutely brilliant, that was one of the best parts of the session I’m sorry you didn’t keep going for longer’.”

‘I don’t have any cows…’

Lara’s clients range in age from 25 to 76 (the eldest is “a spring chicken, flying around”, apparently). She won’t take anyone under the age of 25 because, as she put it, “you’d want to be a complete bitch to be taking money off an 18-year-old”.

The most common requests are for dungeon play like bondage, spanking and ‘cock and balls torture’ or medical play with hoods, gas masks and those urethral sounds mentioned earlier.

There is no denying the activities that take place on Lara’s premises are of a sexual nature. was invited to observe two sessions with regular clients of the Dublin mistress and both men were clearly highly aroused throughout.

The first, a masochist who appeared to have no pain threshold at all, ejaculated from the pleasure of being thrashed on the rear end by the mistress about an hour and a half into the session.

Her second, very submissive client, described feeling like there was “electricity running through” his penis at one stage.

Both of these men were married and admitted their wives would not be happy if they found out what they got up to in their sessions with the mistress.

“The milking machine is quite popular as well,” the dominatrix said with a laugh, adding “And I don’t have any cows”.

But as far as Lara is concerned, though she enjoys BDSM in her personal life and practices it with her boyfriend, these interactions in her professional role do not count as sex acts.

“Anal play, without sounding cold about it, from my point of view it’s like if a man was to go to a doctor and get a prostate exam, what happens? The doctor puts his finger in your ass and has a bit of a feel around in there. That to me is kind of where my head is.”

“Yeah, okay, it can be somewhat sexual to them, but not to me.”

Any man who wants to be one of the mistress’ clients is made aware of the rules before they even set foot in the door. They are not allowed to touch her, she will not get naked for them and she certainly will not be having sex with them.

I don’t do happy endings, I don’t do the spank and wank and I’m very clear about that. If I get a phonecall and someone says they want to come see me, the minute I hear ‘tie and tease’, it’s good luck and goodnight, I don’t want to know. Tie and tease to me is what an escort does, you’re being tied up and she’s going to literally wank you for half an hour until she decides your half an hour is up and she’s going to make you cum. That’s not domination, that’s not BDSM, that’s totally different.

“I’ve no problem with ejaculation or whatever, but I don’t partake, that’s not my thing at all,” she added.

Legally, this is somewhat of a grey area as there is no specific legislation in Irish law for professional domination. However Lara said she steers clear of sexual services like forced bisexual encounters to avoid straying into areas that could land her in trouble with the law.

She also stressed that she makes a tax return every year, registered as self employed – there is just no ‘professional dominatrix’ box to tick on Revenue tax forms.

‘I’m not getting my boobs out’

She rejects any kind of comparison to an escort and Lara claims she is the only real professional dominatrix in the country.

“I’ve never ever ever advertised on an escort site and all the others say happy endings,” she told us.

When she first got into the fetish scene, dommes were seen as “untouchable”, she explained – and then the recession happened.

When the recession came along and the money got tight and there wasn’t so much of it, the clients were drying up. I think a lot of them, instead of saying: ‘Right well I’m going to improve what I do, so say I will invest in new equipment or I will buy a new leather body bag or I will buy gas masks, I’ll get into this, I’ll start doing medical play I’ll learn how to do needle play’, instead of expanding what they could do, they went down the easy route.

“They thought: ‘Sure f*** it if they want a happy ending, if they want me to get my boobs out, I’ll do it’. They lowered their standards. I went the other way, I thought to myself, right, well I’m not going to do the hand shandies and I’m not getting my boobs out for anybody, they’re mine.”

BDSM and fetishism are not particularly new for Ireland. There is a well established community who share their interests on the fetish site FetLife. There are also a number of events across the country, like Dublin’s popular fetish night Nimhneach.

But there is still, unfortunately for Lara and her clients, a stigma attached to their sexual interests.

“Speaking from somebody within the Irish scene, who was in the bubble, 50 Shades of Grey came along and there were woefully high hopes. We thought: ‘They’re all reading it, they’ll all accept us now’”.

However she said the details of Graham Dwyer’s trial for the murder of Elaine O’Hara put the community “back to square one”.

You could see the whole thing opening up, people who’d never even thought about it before. We’ve all firmly jumped back into the closet now.

“In this country there’s one label for everything. And that I think is unfortunate. And it’s the same for people who are into this, not just dommes. The label of weirdo or pervert applies to everything.”

The mistress said there is “not a living soul” who does not have a fetish – they just may not call it a fetish.

“A man says he loves to see his wife wearing stockings, Valentine’s weekend she gets the stocking and suspender belt out, and he likes it. That’s a fetish – he likes it, it tickles his fancy in some way. That is a fetish.”

Lara would like to be able to go public, to tell the world what she does and that she’s proud of it, but because of the public perception of her job she has not even told her family. She hopes giving the Irish public a look into her world will help lift the stigma.

“I want people to know that it’s not sleazy, that it’s not some kind of thing up a dark alley on a Friday night. That people who engage in it are usually pretty clued in, educated, creative sort of people.

“We’re not weirdos and also I suppose from a personal point of view that I am not one, and I love what I do.”

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