EXCLUSIVE: Amanda Holden and TV historian Dan Jones have been working on a new show titled Sex: A Bonkers History and they certainly had fun together whilst filming

Source: Dailystar.co.uk.

UK – Amanda Holden and TV historian Dan Jones have been filming Sky HISTORY’s Sex: A Bonkers History together.

See more and larger photo’s on: Dailystar.co.uk.

But things weren’t all smooth sailing as when they paid a visit to a dominatrix, for research purposes, Dan was left hurt.

Speaking at the screening of the second episode last night at the Hamyard Hotel, the pair revealed the ins and outs of filming.

Amanda and Dan explained the story together, which left Dan rather red-faced.

The BGT judge said: “We’re both parents and there was just one afternoon where we were talking to this dominatrix and it was primarily for me the scene and we decided that we needed Dan as we needed a subject for the lady.

“And ironically we’re at the Freud Museum, which is Freud’s actual house in Hampstead where he used to live, it’s lovely bit of real estate, it’s waste as a museum.

“Anyway, poor Dan comes in, and we’re both clock-watching because I was doing the school run and he was doing the school run.

“Well, this lady came in and we thought it was just a telly thing. Anyway, she gets her flipping cat of nine tails out as a whip and it really hurt him. And I was like Ninja and I was like, ‘c’mon;. Anyways, that was that was an interesting afternoon, he leaped into the playground picking up one of his children.”

Dan then blushed and said: “Yeah, ‘How was work today, Dad?’ Well, I went to see a dominatrix with Amanda Holden, got whipped and Amanda got protective, then I went home.”

Dan added: “One of the attractions of working on this particular series is, apart from working with Amanda, is because it’s a way of doing history that’s fun, that’s cheeky and titillating but always had a serious historical purpose within it. I think sex is a great way to look at a long period of human history because it’s the one guaranteed constant in history.”

Sex: A Bonkers History is available on Sky HISTORY from Monday, 18th September.