
UK – BRISTOL – Welcome to How I Do It, the series in which we give you a seven-day sneak peek into the sex life of a stranger.

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This week, we hear from a dominatrix, who goes by the name Countess Diamond, a 35-year-old married mum from Bristol.

The Countess, who is heterosexual, says: ‘My husband and I are playful when it comes to sex. He’s always horny, and I love to let him know I’m teasing him.

‘We’re open with each other about our fantasies and desires, and both of us would love to have a three or foursome.

‘We’re always pointing out strangers that the other would enjoy f**king. There’s no jealousy here, which is great.’

Despite being a dominatrix, the Countess says their ‘dynamic in the bedroom isn’t heavily sub/domme’.

She claims that their sex life has become ‘surprisingly vanilla’ due to ‘having kids and having less time to play in privacy’. But she also adds that she enjoys when her husband wears a chastity cage…

Without any further ado, here’s how the Countess and her husband got on this week.

Warning: The following is, as you might imagine, not safe for work.


We both wake up early and roll over to cuddle. He’s hard, and I use my hand to make him harder, he’s not climaxed since Saturday. To tease him some more I give him a blow job but make sure to stop before he comes, promising him more later.

I’ve got a busy day ahead so get up for the gym before work. He loves me wearing gym wear and I make sure he gets a good look at my bum.

The day runs away with us though, and we’re both exhausted by the time we’re in bed.


The house is up early, so he gets up and deals with the family while I shower.

I intentionally leave the bathroom door open when I shower. I know he will enjoy a peek as he brings me a coffee, and I make a quip about him being a good boy.

During the day I have content to shoot, which means wearing lingerie, stockings and heels around the house. The lingerie is a painfully expensive set bought for me by a client. It fits well and makes me feel really confident.

My husband comments that it’s a nice set, and combined with the stockings it makes my bum look great. I suggest I could continue yesterday’s blow job while wearing it, but joke that he’s not been good enough for this kind of reward yet. 


I know my husband is starting to get desperate for some relief, and truthfully I am too. I stay in bed for a solo orgasm with my vibrator.

Some new vibrating and pulsing cock toys also arrive in the mail later, and I joke that he might finally be allowed to come today. 

I tried out the toys this evening, and we finally had some great sex after all the teasing. 


A personal emergency meant we didn’t have a moment alone today, and even if we had, I wouldn’t have been able to focus.

Sometimes life gets in the way of life.


The personal problem spilled into today too, unfortunately.

I would say my relationship with sex is very much a feast or a famine. That’s partly due to the flux of my work and home life.

Sometimes I’m up for doing it three or four times a night, but then if work gets busy, or I’m travelling or stressed, there could be nothing for ages.


We snuck a quick one in before anyone was up. We’re catching a flight today, so it was a brief moment of intimacy before we needed to go into logistics mode and get us all to the airport and on a plane in one piece.

It’s easy to fall out when it comes to travel, so a moment of connection really helps us to sync up for the day.


Today, we were settling into our holiday accommodation.

The bed is very squeaky and the weather is really hot, so we ended up in the shower together.

It has a ledge that he can sit on, and I can climb on top of him, which ended up being very, very hot…