- Ann Cave, 46, from Sheffield, lost 12st before deciding to become a dominatrix
- READ MORE: Dominatrix on £200K a year spends £50K Covid loan on dungeon
Source: Dailymail.co.uk
UK – SHEFFIELD – A grandmother has revealed how she’s a secret dominatrix with ‘slaves’ in her dungeon – and her neighbours have no idea.

Ann Cave, 46, from Sheffield, was an NHS nurse for 13 years but lost her ability to walk, got gifted a Fifty shades of grey book and lost a whopping 12 stone before deciding to become a dominatrix.
Now, her neighbours, friends and family have no idea she has men who pay to be her slaves in her secret dungeon below her semi-detached home.
Ann said: ‘Looking back, I can’t believe I’ve gone from being a fat, fed up nana to sexy Mistress Angel. By sharing my story now, I want to give other women confidence.’
For 13 years, Ann worked as an NHS nurse on cancer wards, explaining: ‘My career as a nurse was everything. I was extremely hard working. I was very vanilla. My life with my husband and grandkids was vanilla too.’
But in 2015, out of the blue, she got a pain and swelling in her legs. Doctors discovered she’d developed a rare form of osteoporosis, and she had to have an experimental surgery.
After the surgery, she was left unable to walk, and was bedbound for nearly two years.
Ann said: ‘Since I became bedbound, I turned to food for comfort and my weight shot up to 23st 12lbs. I was huge. I was only 38 at the time, but felt like an old woman.
‘Then one day a friend gifted me E. L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey novel and I found myself getting lost in their raunchy sex life.
‘Christian was a dominant, and Ana was a submissive. It was a world away from my life. I’d not only been a hard-working nurse, but I was also a step-mum and had seven step-grandchildren.
‘But Fifty Shades lit a fire inside of me and I started having fantasies about dominating someone.’
The first step Ann wanted to take was to shift the pounds she’d put on. Unable to exercise due to her ankle, in October 2016, she decided to get a gastric sleeve, reducing the size of her stomach permanently.
After that, the weight fell off and she lost a whopping 12 stone, reaching 11 stone and fitting into size 12 clothing.
Ann said: ‘It was the best I’d felt in years! My confidence rose. Still thinking about Mr Grey, I got in touch with an ex-colleague who worked as a dominatrix.
‘She told me how men paid her to do all sorts, including spanking them with whips and paddles.
‘Despite not having sex with her clients, she earned a decent living. I told her I wanted to be like her and she became a mentor to me.’
Soon, Ann started training with her friend in her basement, taking dominatrix lessons.
She learned everything from spanking to role play. By December 2020, Ann transformed her house basement into a dungeon before posting her services on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Ann said: ‘I called myself Mistress Angel and my inbox went wild. I felt so giddy. I began answering the door in black leather corsets and wet-look leggings to men in their 60s in work suits.
‘My first client was a businessman on his work break. Immediately he obeyed me and for the next hour we played with whips and sex toys. It was thrilling and at the end I got £150! It was my dream job.’
Soon after, Ann started seeing a steady stream of clients, up to six a week.
Ann said: ‘To the outside world, I was an innocent nan, but behind closed doors I was a powerful dominatrix who could make men lick my PVC boots with just a stern look! Although sadly, my husband and I grew apart. He didn’t like what I did.’
In July 2022, Ann got divorced and felt more desirable than ever before. As time went on, Ann kitted out a proper sex dungeon, the second bedroom and upstairs in her home.
She’d usher clients inside her three-bed semi-detached and they all loved her collection of whips, chains, masks, feather dusters, handcuffs and sex toys of every shape.
Ann said: ‘Some clients liked role play so we’d be vicar and nun, or vampires. I had clients from America and Australia. One man even wanted to be my slave for a week.
‘He cooked, tidied, gardened and cleaned up the dungeon. Then, he paid me for it. I even had women slaves and submissives, and some couples! They’re all consenting adults with different needs.’
Now, Ann keeps her secret dominatrix life under wraps from her neighbours, family and friends.
Ann said: ‘I’m still close with my stepchildren and grandkids. But I try to see them, rather than them coming over in case they find my dungeon or toys! If there’s a knock at the door whilst I’m working, I’ll restrain my client in chains.
‘I’m financially free and living my best life. I want to inspire older women that it’s never too late to do something exciting with your life.’