UK – There’s not much in my line of work as a dominatrix that leaves me speechless. I’ve seen adult babies and custard-covered naked men, but when a potential client reached out to me and mentioned having a 30 year sandwich fetish, I’ll admit I was flabbergasted.

Samantha – who is appropriately known as Samantha Sandwich online – first got in touch on X a year-and-a-half ago.
When I perused her shadowy profile image, I became bemused at her bread-based tweets which simply include pictures of Warburton’s wholemeal bread, with captions like ‘I’m getting ready’ or ‘I need to freshen up’.
I discovered that Samantha, who is actually heterosexual cis man, would get turned on by her genitals touching sandwiches – it brings her great sexual pleasure – I guess it’s a form of sitophilia, where someone is sexually aroused by food. She enjoys dressing up as a woman, using she/her pronouns, to act out her sexual fantasies.

So a week after first chatting, we decided to have this video call, not with her as a paying customer, but rather so I could understand her sexual proclivities and, maybe one day, become part of her sarnie fantasy.
And I had so many questions. ‘Do you… cum in the sandwich?’ I found myself asking over our 30-minute zoom call. Never did I think a sentence like that would leave my lips.
‘Of course,’ Samantha, 45, replied. ‘And then what do you do with it?’ I ask. She looks at me as if I just asked the dumbest question ever. ‘Bin it,’ she replies. ‘I lose all interest in it after that.’
I nod enthusiastically, watching her BLT-shaped earrings dangle as she shifts in her seat wearing a black PVC skirt and clingy red tank top.
Next, I ask Samantha to show me exactly what she does with her bits of bread to understand how they bring her such great sexual pleasure.
She obliges, laying out four buttered slices, stacking them on top of each other and covering them in clingfilm. ‘I prefer doorstep,’ she adds. Clearly thicker is better. She then slits a hole in the clingfilm with a pen knife between slices two and three, and proceeds to push her impressively enormous c**k into it, as if it was the filling.
While the clingfilm around the sandwich helps it stay on her penis, she then secures it by pulling the bread close, with her member still stuffed inside, so it’s pressed against her stomach.
‘This is what I call a sandwich chastity belt,’ Samantha explains. ‘I make one for my willy and once I insert my penis I wrap cling film around my waist and crotch to make a tight nappy which holds it in place, keeping me aroused but with no access to myself.’
‘The butter warms and moulds itself to me, then I walk around the house like this,’ she adds. ‘It’s like constant edging.’
It does look appealing, I’ll admit. It must be warm as well as appetising. But where do I come into all of this (so to speak)?
‘I’d like a mistress to watch me cum in a sandwich, then start afresh with a new one. That would be the dream,’ Samnatha tells me.
‘Another dream is to find a mistress whose feet I can kiss while she eats a sandwich.’ Up prick my ears: a job that involves carbs and foot worship sounds like a total treat.
But there’s another twist to Samantha’s tale, as she tells me she’s been heterosexual relationship with her wife for 13 years – my jaw practically hits the floor when she tells me on the call. The girlfriend has no idea about her sexual proclivity for the lunchtime staple.
‘She knows I don’t eat sandwiches, but she’s never put two and two together,’ Samantha says. And why would she? My husband doesn’t eat beetroot, but it’s never occurred to me that perhaps he prefers to shove his dick in it. Until now, at least.
Samantha admits she is very scared of her partner finding out, so hides all her outfits in the loft so her girlfriend, who’s scared of spiders, won’t find them. It’s a shame because things you won’t share with your significant other are on the cheating continuum, I think – I always try and encourage my clients to share if they feel they can.
For her partner that’s 13 years of lying to come to terms with, but equally, she may just think it was fascinating. If my husband said that to me, I’d suggest we just eat sandwiches together.
While cross-dressing is something I see pretty often, I tell Samantha I can’t say the same for sarnie fantasies. I was keen to know if there was a whole sandwich worship community or if she was the only person she knew of with this type of fetish. Despite having 2,700 followers on X, Samantha admits she thinks she’s the only one.
‘Many of them are vanilla. I think I just amuse them,’ she says. ‘And no, the closest I’ve seen is splosh fetishists, and maybe the ABDL (adult baby, diaper lover) community, who like to shove their dicks in nappies to feel safe and encased.’
The whole time I’m listening to her reveal details about her life, I want to ask Samantha if she wishes her sexual fantasies were more mainstream, but I can’t think of how to phrase the question in a way that doesn’t sound offensive. I doubt she’d say yes anyway.
Instead, I settle for finding out where she thinks this fetish came from.
‘I don’t know why, but I’ve never eaten sandwiches and to this day I still don’t,’ she says. ‘A sandwich for most people is a convenient snack. For me it’s a symbol of feminine power and authority which I respect and bow down to.’
Samantha goes on to explain that she first got aroused as a teen when a girl she fancied ate a sandwich. Watching her mouth move, knowing it was also used for oral sex, made the whole thing feel really erotic.
Later, she made the ‘ultimate discovery’ by placing her penis in a sandwich. ‘I slowly masturbated myself with it. The sensation was amazing,’ she recalls.