Foot, food, and messy fetishists are having a field day on TikTok.
WORLDWIDE – We’ve all seen the videos—life hacks, cooking videos, and more that are so ridiculous you think, “no one would ever actually do that.” Sure, many of them are courting the engagement that can come from our confused reactions, that thought of “let me ridicule this by sharing it,” but some of these videos are straight-up fetish videos disguised as life hacks and other types of content. Like, check out this video that purports to show the application of a spray-on tattoo, or this video of a bride cutting the dress of a bridesmaid. It’s clear there is something going on here—maybe it’s not clear what is going on, but you can be sure that someone, somewhere is getting off to it.
TikTok policy prohibits videos that depict sexual fetishes, but how “sexual fetishes” are defined can be be slippery. These life hack, comedy, or prank style videos might not show people in latex and chains, but they share so many familiar tropes and structures with fetish content and depict things that are so out-of-the-ordinary, it’s hard to not see them as porn. Porn for someone, anyway.