Tapping the underground’s most coveted erotic art forms: Shunga and Shibari.
Source: Hypebae.com.
UK – LONDON – Chinese-American designer Chet Lo presents his sex-infused Spring Summer 2024 collection at London Fashion Week.
Inciting his very own sexual liberation, Lo’s presentation is a love letter to the most repressed aspect of himself. Similar to most people raised in restrictive societies, Lo’s environment was purely sex-negative, with Western ideals of beauty furthering the cognitive dissonance.
“At the time, Western media inundated our culture with a narrow, white, heteronormative ideal of beauty and sexuality, making those who didn’t fit into this minuscule box to feel othered. Simultaneously, Lo was indoctrinated to believe sexual desires were ‘dirty,’ ‘impure’ and a ‘taboo,’ leading him to feel a sense of shame in his natural sexual urges. These factors left Lo feeling desexualised, struggling to feel at home in himself. While representation in the media has since dramatically improved, its impact left Lo with a painful residue.”