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Irish dominatrix (Clarity Mills) set to launch new website that will be ‘eBay of bondage gear’

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Mon, January 23, 2023 02:13:17


IRELAND – DUBLIN – The sex educator, who owns her own tech firm and works with Forbes 100 listed multinationals, spent five years working on which she plans to launch in March.

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A Dublin Dominatrix has revealed her plans to launch a global kink website on a scale to rival Amazon and eBay.

Clarity Mills, 38, has hundreds of vendors lined up for the platform which will specialise in “play events” and “bespoke kink supplies”.

The sex educator, who owns her own tech firm and works with Forbes 100 listed multinationals, spent five years working on which she plans to launch in March.

She told the Irish Sunday Mirror: “It’s a multi-vendor platform like eBay or Amazon.

“I already have 750 vendors lined up. I’m certainly expecting €2.5million to €3million of sales on the platform in the first 18 months.

“We will be focusing on events, selling event tickets, educational content and bespoke kink supplies.”

Clarity and her husband are both swingers and polyamorous and she trained for three years in Los Angeles for her work as a dominatrix.

She plans to scale back her IT consultancy work so she can concentrate more on the website which will sell a huge range of latex gear, corsets, whips and sex toys.

She said: “We have a sex positivity conference in October with three to four thousand people coming over for it.

“The kink industry is workth EUR25billion a year… of that about 90 per cent is owned by the larger multi vendors. I’m a tech geek at heart, I just thought if you took all the sex sites and shops and added them together…

“I built the platform to do the same thing as eBay. All of the people who work with me are kinksters, we only sell kink paraphernalia.

“So instead of products mass produced in Asia, a lot of them are bespoke.”

Kinkify will provide a global marketplace for sex toys, adult toys, bondage and fetish gear and other “kinky items”.

Clarity, whose top secret client list includes some of Ireland’s top professionals and sports people, said she set up her own retail company to “take the BS out of BDSM”.

She promised: “No jacked up prices, no sh*tty sales gimmicks, just connecting kinksters with the products, services, information and community events that can aid them along their pervy paths.”

The platform will facilitate the advertising and sale of tickets for play events and sex parties where in Ireland “venue is always a problem”.

Rules state that if you host an event in a pub you cannot have sex or nudity – but in a private residence anything goes for legally consenting adults.

Clarity, an advocate of “worship type” play such as spanking, whipping and chaining, revealed: “Even after the Virgin Media show I still struggled to find a venue for play events.

“Education and exposure is really what is needed in Ireland right now.

“Feedback to the show was largely positive and the biggest question was how to get involved.

“But there were a few people in the industry who were worried about being outed, so we have a ways to go.”

Clarity has been working with a team of investors and IT contractors for almost five years and is confident kinkify. ie will attract a global audience.

She said: “This is the fruit of me living in the tech industry for two decades.

“Between the consultancy, dominatrix work and the website I am crazy busy, but you sleep when you’re dead, right?”

Inside the Mile High Dungeon, Where Denver Dominatrixes (Domina Elle & Mistress Victoria Marx) Bind and Flog

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Sun, August 28, 2022 23:12:55


USA – DENVER – Behind the one-way windows of a squat warehouse on West Second Avenue is the domain of two professional dominatrixes, one of the premier dungeons in the United States, they say, with clients flying in from around the world.

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And you’d better believe them, or you could be punished.

Mile High Dungeon is a sprawling fantasyland of themed rooms in which these dommes bind clients in various positions, engage them in erotic play, and dominate them during all sorts of kinky scenarios (within reason…and the law). Both transplants to Colorado, Domina Elle and Mistress Victoria Marx have lived here for decades, opening their own dungeons and practicing BDSM – bondage, dominance, sadomasochism – for more than twenty years before joining forces three years ago to open the Mile High Dungeon in this space that had been occupied by a computer-security expert until the FBI raided his business in 2015 after he bragged on Twitter about hacking into the controls of a commercial airliner and flying it sideways.

Between private sessions on a recent weekday, Elle and Victoria agree to give Westword a full tour of their business. Elle is dressed in one of her signature latex suits, which are often so tight that she needs lube to get them on. Victoria, who prefers to stick to leather and lace, is wearing a tight corset. Both sport thigh-high boots with six-inch, elevated heels that look so pointy they could probably double as torture instruments. Neither wants her full name used here.

Each prospective dungeon visitor must send Elle or Victoria an email that lists his or her fetishes. There are different categories, based on the colors of a stoplight. Green lights are acts and fetishes that the would-be client is 100 percent okay with exploring. Yellows are maybes. And reds are no-gos. “Most people know what their reds are first,” observes Victoria. “It’s easy to know what you don’t like.”

A common “red light” is heavy pain (though about 5 percent of their clients are really into heavy pain, Victoria notes). “And then a lot of people say, ‘No marks’,” she continues, in reference to the physical reminders of a common BDSM practice: flogging clients with whips and paddles.

“I am fascinated by people’s behaviors, motives and the history behind them,” says Elle, who adds that every client is different, and it’s her job to help them explore themselves, their sexuality and their desires. “Like, I might ask, what’s the first time you remember getting excited about being tied up?” she explains. “And someone might answer, ‘Oh, I saw that Lucky Charms commercial when the leprechaun gets caught in the net.’ The things you hear people say are fascinating.”

Elle declines to say how much a Mile High Dungeon session costs, explaining that prices are negotiable and that all sessions – typically two hours or longer – are customized to fit clients’ individual needs. And although the dommes always ask clients if they have romantic partners, and encourage couples’ sessions, there are some clients who don’t want others to know about their trips to the dungeon.

Client sessions often begin in the Sissy Boudoir, one of five rooms in the facility. It’s essentially an eroticized Hollywood dressing room, complete with wigs, makeup, footwear, coats and even some rubber horse-head masks. The accoutrements help with clients’ role-playing fantasies, explains Victoria. “And it can range from just heels and lipstick to a full transformation.”

While some clients already know what kind of transformation they desire, others take suggestions from the dommes. Elle started dressing up her male friends in her own clothes when she was a teenager, so helping with clients’ makeovers is second nature. “And playing around with the boundaries of gender, I think, is something that’s natural for a lot of people, even if they’re not kinky with it,” she says. “My favorite is when people have been cross-dressing alone for so long, and finally have the courage to step out of that alone place. Then the intimacy between you and the other person acting out this stuff takes on a whole other dimension.”

The Sissy Boudoir also boasts oversized dressing-room mirrors to assist with the costume changes. Then again, there are big mirrors in just about every room of the dungeon; Elle guesses there are forty throughout the sprawling facility.

“The mind-fuck aspect is definitely a big part of all of this,” she says while observing herself in one of those mirrors. “When you can watch yourself in the act, then you have the visual memory. There’s psychological nuances in everything that we do.”

Those psychological nuances extend to all sorts of physical tools and instruments used in various dungeon scenarios. A medical-themed room looks something straight out of a slasher film, with an old-school X-ray machine, an anesthesia device, a stomach pump and a “birthing chair” from the early 1900s with metal stirrups. Elle found that on Craiglist, and says the widow and daughter of a recently deceased urologist sold it to her. “They gave it to me on the condition that I wouldn’t perform abortions, which I agreed to,” Elle recalls. “But they probably wouldn’t have given it to me if they knew what it was really for…”

Adjacent to the medical room is the Black and Blue Room, named after its paint colors; a large suspension frame at the center can be used to bind and suspend people in all sorts of positions. Next to that is the Goddess Room, a relaxing space with a vibe similar to that of a day spa. And finally, there’s a huge room at the back with ceilings that are at least twenty feet high and projection screens displaying looping slideshows with all sorts of kinky imagery, including a guy strapped down on a bench whose erect penis is the only exposed part of his body. In this last room, colored spotlights accentuate a ten-foot-tall suspension frame with an electric winch mounted on top that can be used to mechanically raise up…stuff. There’s also a spanking bench, an X-shaped cross with straps on each of the arms, and a Victorian-styled bathtub in which clients can rinse off before leaving.

The entire dungeon is immaculate. The dommes always use towels wherever bare skin might touch any benches or frames, so, as Elle notes, “there are no snail trails anywhere.” From the music playing over speakers to the smells to the lighting, “every detail affects the situation,” she explains.

The dommes say it took all of their own equipment, as well as items donated from three other dungeons, to make Mile High Dungeon a reality. A now-deceased mistress who ran a combination B&B/dungeon in Pueblo left some tools to Elle. “I invoke her spirit whenever I use her paddles,” she says, adding that she rarely uses fewer than fifteen different whips and paddles on a client in a session. (She credits another mentor, Mistress Diane, with being “the first professional domme to really put Denver on the kinky map of the United States,” back in the ’80s. Mistress Diane is now retired, but Elle says she still has a few loyal clients who fly in from around the world to see her.)

The instruments lined up in various wall-mounted cases throughout the dungeon include such industry favorites as cock-and-balls torture devices, but there are also some unexpected tools, like a metal clamp designed to hold onto deep-dish pizza containers. Elle and Victoria call such commonplace items “pervertables,” since their standard use is perverted once it enters their realm. “When I saw the pizza clamp, I saw a nipple device,” Elle quips. Target and Home Depot, which they jokingly call “Domme Depot,” are both great places to find pervertables, they say.

While it’s sometimes difficult to tell when the dommes are kidding, they take their business seriously. Both advocate for decriminalization of sex work and rail against the SESTA law passed by Congress this spring that conflates sex work with sex trafficking. Not that what they’re doing involves actual sex; they conform to all applicable laws and regulations.

“We’re in a gray area,” notes Elle. “There are no laws in Colorado that govern BDSM. But there are laws in some states — at least one state – where you can’t even spank someone on their bare ass and take money. Plus, the prostitution penal codes are intentionally vague,” she continues. “They say, ‘value exchanged for sexual gratification,’ but that can mean so many different things. There are people locally who’ve been tried and found guilty when they took money to watch someone masturbate — they didn’t even touch the person. We have to be careful.”

They’re also careful about following city code. The Mile High Dungeon receives regular fire-department inspections; Victoria jokes that during the first fire department visit, there were two firemen, and ever since there have been at least four men at every inspection.

They want to be sure that they’re here for the people who need them. “This is our sacred space. Within this space, lives change. People bare their souls. They bare the most intimate parts of themselves psychologically and physically,” Elle says. “For me, I’m about raising energy up, helping people evolve and grow. And the sexual piece of ourselves — gender, what our boundaries are, what we’re okay with — is a development that has been stifled by shame and weirdness in our society. We really need to get real about sex, period. I think a lot of abuse stems from the shaming and weirdness that humans attach to sex. So we need to back up a little bit and look at, in a reasonable and compassionate way, our bodies and sexuality and all these people who think they are entitled to limit what other people do, whether it’s because they’re gay or sex workers or swingers or polyamorous. It’s time to move past all of that and grow up.”

Women Talk S3x: ‘If you can’t dominate anywhere else, do it in the bedroom’ (Nigeria)

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Wed, May 18, 2022 03:57:03

This is something everyone should experiment with at some point in their lives.


NIGERIA – ‘#WomenTalkS3xByPulse’ is Pulse’s weekly series designed to capture the thoughts of everyday Nigerian women on s3xual health, pleasure, and what women expect good s3x to be and feel like.

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Among other things, the subject of this week’s edition of #WomenTalkS3xByPulse opens up about discovering s3xual domination and how it became a game-changer for her. Read on.

Tell me about your first time

Well, I was messing around on one cold, rainy night when I was 10 years old and discovered that it felt good when I touched myself. Didn’t know what it was, of course, but after that first time, I kept doing it. It was much later that I found out what it was.

I see.

You know what was more interesting?

I love hearing interesting things. Please tell me

So my folks are Catholic and they raised us to be. So you know that at that age, they were already telling me and my siblings to stay away from sex. The message was mostly for my older siblings who were well in their teens at that point, but I understood it too. The wild part however was that, even though I had heard that sex was bad and I had promised myself that I would stay away from it till I was older and all, I didn’t know that touching myself was actually part of it!


In my mind, it was just a thing boys and girls did.

Awwww. It’s giving innocence

I know, right?! Kids will always be kids

You can say that again. So for how long were you able to stay away from doing it with boys

Oh. That didn’t last too long oh. LMAO. Let’s just say by the end of secondary school, I was already doing things that would give my Christian dad serious heart palpitations.

Then let’s hope he never links this interview to you

Hahaha, the chances of that are slim but yeah, it’ll actually be insane. But I kinda think that he already knows I am no longer a virgin so his shock may not be that great.

Oh? Y’all that close?

Not really oh. But look at me now, I am 25 years old and I’ve been to uni and back. I’ve travelled abroad for months on my own, I live alone now… if he still thinks I am not having sex, then good luck to him oh.

Hahahaha. Parents like to think their kids aren’t getting down till they’re married

Not my own mum sha. That one knows for sure that her baby girl is already knacking seriously. In fact, that is why I think my dad knows. She has probably done aproko to him. You know these old people always give each other gist.

True that. Tell me about your sex life though. How’s it going for you?

Great, actually. Can’t say that I have a lot to complain about. I get it when I want it. So, yeah, I’m good.

Can we talk about the changes you’ve experienced between when you were 10 and now?

Well, for one, I couldn’t have known that I like dominating when I was in those formative years. I think as a woman, the more you grow into your own skin, the more you discover about yourself.


For example, I stumbled on the dominatrix part of myself by mistake, LOL. I read this novel where the woman liked taking charge and dominating her partner. The sex scenes in that book turned me on so much that I read up on becoming a dom. Then it became my fave porn category to watch. So I knew it was my thing and thankfully my man at the time loved it too.

So you’re now a full-time dom?

Hahaha. You say it like it’s a job

LMAO. No be so, please

Yeah, I get you. But yeah, it’s my thing now. It makes me feel good. I mean, it’s not like I can’t have sex without dom’ing but I really like that feeling of being in charge. You know, controlling your partner and watching them squirm and do your every bidding. It’s so exhilarating. I actually think it’s something everyone might want to experiment with at some point in their sex lives. If you can’t dominate anywhere else, then at least do it in the bedroom. It’s very liberating.

Another. Banger!

Hahaha. That’s it.

Have you had any weird experiences so far?

LOL. I wouldn’t call it weird but I was with someone a little while back who was very freaked out at the sight of my cuffs. I had to do a long pep talk to get him to relax so I could cuff him and get on with it. Only God know what the Nigerian police have done to him.

What made you think it wasn’t another woman? Did you ask?

He wouldn’t say. But nice angle. Maybe his ex cuffed him and flogged the hell out of him for cheating. I am sure there is something there even though he claimed everything was ok.

LMAO. Rate your sex life over 10

Right now? 10 over 10. I doubt it can get better than this right now.

‘We just want our rights’: Sex industry activist to debut play ‘Dominatrix on Trial’ in Windsor

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Mon, May 09, 2022 02:10:10


CANADA – Controversial sex industry activist Terri-Jean Bedford is in Windsor this week ahead of the theatrical adaptation of her memoir “Dominatrix on Trial.”

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Bedford was raised in Windsor and took her fight for sex workers rights to the Supreme Court of Canada.

“I am the Bedford in Bedford versus Canada,” said Bedford.

Bedford was one of three sex workers who successfully challenged Canada’s prostitution law on the grounds that it violated their Charter right to security of the person.

“I don’t promote, condone or condemn the sex trade,” she said. “But I do promote safety.”

The musical “Dominatrix on Trial” will run this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night at the Kordazone Theatre. Bedford will be on hand to sign copies of her book on Thursday.

“We’re going to revisit those laws. Like I said, Trudeau promised to repeal and I’m gonna hold his feet to the fire on that one, Bedford said.

Bedford told CTV News she hasn’t ruled out a run for political office, adding she’s still advocating for sex workers’ rights.

“The only way to separate a consenting adult from a non-consenting adult is to license, decriminalize and register,” Bedford said. “That’ll put human trafficking out of business because men don’t want to be criminalized.”

“They don’t want their livelihoods, and their lifestyles and their autonomy taken away. They want to go somewhere and not all of them are married, some have social disabilities they can’t engage and this will help them to build the confidence make them more productive.”

Bedford said she hopes audiences will see the sex industry from a different perspective after watching the performance.

“I hope they understand that sex workers are respectable people and that we work hard,” she said. “We are conscientious about our community and our neighbors. I think the media has done a lot to harm, degrade and stigmatize sex trade workers. But you’ll find that we’re the most loving giving caring people in the world we just want our rights.”

Melissa Todd: Author, news reader, editor and dominatrix

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Sat, December 04, 2021 13:37:14


UK – KENT – Melissa Todd is a bright, engaging, articulate, well-spoken married mum-of-one who attended Boris Johnson’s old college at Oxford University.

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She is a newsreader for Thanet-based Academy FM, edits the Broadstairs Beacon newspaper and also runs a theatre company. Oh, and she’s a dominatrix who, not to beat around the bush, charges £100 an hour to give men a damn good spanking.

“I get some very very odd requests,” she admits. “I was told to park on somebody’s hands. I didn’t do that. I thought where the hell has that come from? I’m rubbish at parking.

“He wanted me to be in my car, singing along to the radio while he was screaming in agony. That was odd.”

And who are we to argue?

A stripper from the age of 19, Melissa made a career change 11 years later.

“By the time I was 30,” she explains, “I thought I didn’t want to become a ridiculously ancient stripper so I thought I’d hang up my g-string and pick up a crop and start whacking people instead.”

Today Melissa supplements her “one-to-one disciplinary sessions” with posing for photos or making videos of a very adult nature.

“I sound like this and I look terribly demure,” she explains in her middle-class tones. “I sound like an average mousey housewife.

“But there are so many negative stereotypes around sex work and it just seems to be getting worse and worse – ‘they’re victims, pathetic and corrupting society’, and all the rest of it, but they’re just people, with lives and stories.”

In an effort to try to challenge the perception of the sex industry Melissa has written a book – released on November 16 – called My Body Is My Business. Based around “a fictional framework”, it draws heavily on her own experiences.

Now 45 and having lived in Thanet since 2003, Melissa is bold and fearless in the career she has chosen. Incredibly, she even convinced her mother to follow in her footsteps.

“She was a dominatrix as well,” she admits.

“I corrupted her. She got made redundant in her mid-60s and thought ‘I could do that’ and she was really good at it. She was very good at role play too.

“I was working out of her house, as my son was a bit younger then, so she’d often hide upstairs with a baseball bat just in case, so she’d hear it all happening. And she thought ‘wow, this is brilliant – £100 an hour, why am I messing about?’ And they absolutely loved her.”

Speaking to Melissa is a rather disarming experience. The image of the exploited sex worker falling victim to the depravities of men seems a long way from what she has experienced and the genuine enthusiasm with which she speaks of her chosen career.

“I’ve honestly not seen any exploitation in 26 years,” she says. “I’m sure it’s out there, but its certainly not the only story.

“Most of the film companies I work for are all run by women – and that’s not a choice I’ve made. I’m happy to work with men, but all the spanking content is being made by women currently so I just don’t see any exploitation happening. It’s certainly not been my experience at all. And I think I would have seen it.”

To be clear, she offers “no sexual services at all” adding: “It’s just a good whacking. All the sex happens in their head.”

Happily married, her husband thinks her sex career is “hilarious”and her son – now an adult – is well aware of how his mum earns her income.

Yet safety remains a concern. She recently tweeted about one encounter with a new client: “Always an anxiety-inducing moment when a new man ties you up. This one decided to tell me he was a policeman just as he gagged me. Maybe that’s meant to reassure.”

In the light of the Sarah Everard case, it’s chilling in many ways.

“I was genuinely nervous,” she admits when I ask her about it. “I hadn’t seen that man before, so it was probably a bit idiotic really to allow him to tie me up. But he had worked with other girls that I knew. Of course you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position. I completely trusted him actually. And I wasn’t suspended from a ceiling so if I needed to get away, I could have wriggled free. It was mainly for a photo shoot.

“But there is always a bit of ‘oh Christ, is this is going to be the day I die’ but so far, those who like spanking tend to be lovely, they really do.

“It’s a fetish which tends to belong to clever, creative people, as obviously turning pain into pleasure takes quite a lot of brains and imagination. I’ve always been fine and hopefully will remain so, but yeah, I probably should have been a bit more sensible.

“It was only when he told me he was a police officer I thought ‘oh no!’. But he was lovely.

“Most of the problems I had have been with women. If I’m going to get any abuse it tends to be from women on stripper-grams. My agent always used to say if you need the loo on a stripper-gram job use the men’s as the women will punch you if they get the chance.

“I had stones thrown at me by women when I was working in Southall. Men are always very happy when you’re naked, is my experience; women are very cross!

‘Men are always very happy when you’re naked is my experience; women are very cross!’

“What’s the problem? I’m just making a living. I don’t know why they’re so unhappy.

“I’m not the enemy. There’s nothing special about me. I’m not particularly attractive, I breast-fed for four years so my breasts aren’t even worth seeing, I’m just using what I’ve got to have some fun and make a living. The idea I’m going to try and steal your husband is like a nursery worker wanting to steal your kid. You’re just using them for cash. There’s nothing to be frightened of.”

Melissa got into the sex industry as a student.

“I was at Oxford University reading philosophy, politics and economics at Balliol College, Boris Johnson’s old college, and I just hated it. I didn’t fit in. I was a really shy girl from an Essex comprehensive and it just wasn’t the right place for me at all. You need to be very confident and out-there to do well at Oxford and that wasn’t me. So I decided to take a year out.

“I saw an advertisement in the Evening Standard saying ‘dancers wanted’ and promising up to £600 a night, no experience necessary. I thought that sounded perfect as I have no experience of anything, I love money and I like dancing. I was so green I turned up for the audition in leg-warmers. I thought it was going to be something like Fame.

“The auditions consisted of walking on stage, getting your breasts out and walking off again. There was no routine to learn. I didn’t get it that time, but the next time I got the idea – borrowed some stockings and underwear, went back on and got the job.

“I loved it. I loved the camaraderie, the sequins and the glitter balls and the champagne. And I never looked back.”

That first job was at the famous The Windmill strip club in Soho.

“It was only meant to be a year but I never stopped,” Melissa explained. “You just get used to the compliments, the fun and the money. Obviously, that was exciting. I never quite got to £600 – I used to chat to people too much I forgot to hustle. But I was making £200 a night, so that’s £1,200 a week, which in 1994 for a 19-year-old was an awful lot of money.

“I bought a house, I learned to drive, I gave my mum some money because she was skint. I just liked the lifestyle and enjoyed showing off.

“They had very strict rules in place, bouncers everywhere; when you did a table dance you had to be three feet away from the client and no touching. It was very hard to get into trouble really. There was a house mother who looked after us, made sure we didn’t get too drunk and gave us sandwiches. It was all terribly sweet actually.

“There were all sorts of women doing it. There were lots of Australian backpackers doing the world tour and financing it through stripping; lots of students and older women, single mums, women trying to set up their own business – there was someone trying to set up a florist company but she couldn’t make it pay so she was lap-dancing by night.”

So what did her parents make of her career choice?

“They were very relaxed about it,” Melissa remembers. “Despite my accent I don’t come from a respectable background, so there was no expectation I should do anything steady or sensible.

“My mum sang and danced in cabaret all over the world, and thought my making money by showing off was a very sensible plan. My dad drove a black cab and used to pick me up from the Windmill at 3.30am every night, where we would have a friendly competition as to who’d managed to collect the most cash during the evening – usually it was him!”

After moving to the Sunset Strip Theatre in Soho, Melissa met “a chap who came looking to recruit girls for spanking magazines”.

“He auditioned me in the back of a shop; he gave me a spanking and I thought this is quite fun,” she recalls.

And thus her move out of stripping and into the world of domination began.

Needless to say, she’s had some odd requests – other than the previously mentioned one about parking.

Does she sometimes wonder just where on earth these desires come from?

“All the time,” she admits. “If they just want a standard beating I get that because I like spanking as well. But I get some very, very odd requests.

“I genuinely like my clients. Many are my friends, we hang out, I’ve counselled them through the death of their parents and the birth of their grandchildren. I think it’s incredibly brave to come to a stranger and say ‘I’ve got this weird fetish, I need to do this, can you help me?’.

“I might just laugh, or not understand or get it wrong. It’s a privilege to help, genuinely. I know that sounds like a lie, but it’s true.

“Do I enjoy it? I love it. I really do. It’s really creative. I like performing. I like spanking people. It’s really fun. It’s like a therapy really. A release for them as well as for me – it’s just brilliant.”

And Melissa hopes her book will go some way towards removing society’s knee-jerk despising of those who work in the industry.

“I’m really hoping to challenge those stereotypes and see that sex is just fun,” she says. “It’s not terrifying, it’s not dangerous, I’m not corrupting the universe. I’m just having a laugh.

‘Sex is just fun. It’s not terrifying, it’s not dangerous, I’m not corrupting the universe. I’m just having a laugh…’

“It’s probably about 5% of my life and 5% of my clients’ lives. But it just gives a bit of glamour and glitter to what, let’s face it, can be a pretty mundane, tedious way of getting through it.

“It’s just a giggle. To take it seriously is insane.”

Melissa Todd’s book, My Body Is My Business can be pre-ordered by clicking here.

Founder of Russian feminist punk protest band Pussy Riot reveals new career as dominatrix & joins OnlyFans to sell raunchy snaps

Worldwide BDSM News From The Media Posted on Mon, September 13, 2021 02:29:49


RUSSIA – The founder of Russian protest group Pussy Riot, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, has announced that she has started an account on OnlyFans, a paid membership site famous for empowering women to create and sell pornography of themselves.

In a Twitter post on Friday, Tolokonnikova simply wrote: “Crazy Empress.” According to her account on OnlyFans, a subscription to see the Pussy Riot leader’s racy snaps costs $10 per month.

The account appears to have been initially created in July, and thus far, membership grants access to 53 pictures and one video.

Tolokonnikova, commonly known as ‘Tolokno’, shot to international fame in 2012, when her band Pussy Riot was arrested after performing a punk song in Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. The three performers – Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina, and Yekaterina Samutsevich – were charged with “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” and were eventually sentenced to two years behind bars. They were released in 2013 before completing their sentences after the Russian parliament signed an amnesty law.

Since she regained her freedom, she has continued to campaign, and even authored an autobiography.

OnlyFans was created by British entrepreneur Tim Stokely in 2016 as a means to help performers provide clips and photos to followers for a monthly subscription fee. In the years since, it has become incredibly popular for adult content and is now owned mainly by Ukrainian-American pornographer Leonid Radvinsky.

Last week, in an interview with Vice News, Tolokonnikova revealed that she would like to replace President Vladimir Putin as leader of Russia, and has already planned a run in 2036.

“For now, I’m not able to run for president because I’m a convicted criminal,” she said. “Even though I already served my time in prison, I’m still not allowed to take part in any elections.”

From tom Verhoeven BDSMradio.EU:

Link to her onlyfans page:

Good luck Nadya!!

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